Micro Bo didn't before spreading, network strength's getting involved a real life doesn't lack its instance as well.Deng Yu Jiao the sting officer's case in 2009 is such, not only own backing of network public opinion, after the event takes place, also have the net friend "slaughter" to wait a person to leave for matter hair in person earth to take part in an investigation, and notify progress to the medium and the network in time."Slaughter" told a reporter at that time, he breached a holdup to see Deng Yu Jiao in person and also lay in the push of network public opinion, because the hospital faces the net friend's a great deal of critique face to face, they also need innocent from the certificate.
The on-site inspection of"slaughter" drew on the concern of network further again, while the traditional medium also connect force to report, with as for the case finally sentences the composing intentional injury offense of Deng Yu Jiao's behavior, but the waive punishes.This doesn't exert like the result of person's idea although don't necessarily acquire complete approbations of network, also no one's probe.This science and technology university girder wood in the law school give birth to a professor to see in China in Hubei, is also have the sign the meaning.
He says that the public opinion really should not interfere with judicatory, but the in aid of true facts presents.Network public opinion of so be zoomed in, is because other outlets of short of, therefore the girder wood livings to suggest to create reasonableness to dissolve the platen and outlet of social contradictions."Community requirement various sounds appease, should overcome and tolerate to the current network public opinion."
Usually think, within the range of public opinion supervisory, the person meat huning is to match feeling sound, this for prevention and make public to graft corrupt all have an aggressive action, for example be like to take out an exorbitant price of the corrupt officer of smoke be checked section is a person to search an aggressive result.Because be like an office - bearer, Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and person greatly the information of etc. function segment related personnel is original should be more transparent, however, the community also worries the common citizen's privacy contents is revealed, think that this should be distinct to open with office-holder.
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