An inch of time an inch of gold, an inch of gold will not buy inch of time. , how time flies, the blink of an eye a semester has in the past, and came to the winter vacation. In this rare winter holiday, I plan in accordance with the "three plus one" plan to do four things seriously.
A lot of reading. Read volumes, such as writing. Good project is inseparable from a lot of reading. For this semester, I feel my knowledge is not enough rich, I plan to use winter vacation time, through a lot of reading "recharge" for himself. I plan to read several Chinese classics, such as the "water margin", "journey to the west", etc. Although these classics is thick, I want to try to bite the bullet and read, draw version of it is best to read, learn about the basic content of classics. I also plan to use my subscription to the practical digest well, to get the good article to be read. His knowledge through reading and vocabulary more rich, more broad vision.
Actively writing. Teachers and parents often said to me, if you want to write a composition, not light reading, good light copying words we also not line, only a lot of "actual combat", to get more experience. So, I want to use winter vacation time to write some articles, write a diary, in the words of my father is to business with my school mail tunnels blog, blog postings number increases.
Appropriate entertainment. I think we should pay attention to the mix, primary school homework is not enough light, should be appropriate to relax and watch TV, surf the Internet to chat with friends, to ensure that every day out for more than an hour exercise and activity.
This is three things I think should be done, finally, that is to finish the homework carefully. This of course I dare not to forget, must be reasonable arrangement of time, to finish the teacher winter vacation homework ahead of time.
How, my plan is good!
Very not easy to get time on holiday, but winter vacation has three characteristics, it is cold, the winter vacation is put across the "snow". Alas! Who let one of the "winter" word "cold", this is the cold words, even sleep over me "winter vacation homework suddenly turn hostile" doesn't change.
Now I will introduce the three characteristics for you!
Characteristic one: the cold. The wind blow, with young trees blown jump "disco"; Blow the clothes jump "waltz"; Blown people trembling; Blown me, to lie on the bed. The cold ah, is really indescribable, family or long frostbite, or sleeping, a lazy, who let the weather so cold?
Feature 2: the rain. Outside the rain tick underground, how do I say it is! Adults were not, because their clothes are not stem, also can't go out to work. Celebrate the children's favorite, firecrackers, also cannot put, that's one of the biggest regret, this is the rain, the ground slippery slightly do not pay attention to is wrestling. This unlucky when can the rain stop?
Three characteristics: the snow. Freeze, you spend a lot. The snow flying went to hunan, fly fly fly to shandong, say "the freezing of the road, roof snow". Not only are these areas, like our capital, Beijing, North-East, hubei and other regions, are covered with snow and ice. Snow, and the world turn white, very spectacular! This is the last winter vacation characteristics, is also a biggest characteristics of the winter vacation.
I hope from today after a storm comes a calm, ice and snow melt, let me happy every day!
Happy winter holiday has been over in a flash, the new semester is coming again, does this winter holiday I have a harvest! I will share with you.
29 to the second day, we went to my hometown - in Lin, at home, I learned to make dumplings, rolling piece, stick couplets on the Spring Festival, and so on, the first we boarded the baiyun mountain and I learned as long as perseverance can victory.
Fifth, we went to the town, in Angle mountain ski resort, I felt the ski team is not easy. In the mountain, I wanna know the town is a great film base, the famous actor Guo Da once acted in movies here.
Say that finish, we will come to about the finish of the winter vacation plan.
First of all, I want to read every day, this I think is not very good, because every day I only occasionally read one or two; Then the mathematical winter vacation homework, I think this do not bad, because these assignments I basic can be completed on schedule. Then is to play the piano, three days before the plan, I can't complete, since learned a new song, I can almost guarantee every morning after getting up is to play a 20 minutes, until the evening to play a few times after the meal; Every day a little diary, a few days ago also performs well, but over the years, is sometimes don't write; Help father mother do housework every day, the only Chinese New Year when dry, and the rest of the time is not done. Every day to read people's blog, this can also, I think do calligraphy this needless to say, because I practice every day.
Ok, end of story, I wish you all the new semester a good study, day day up.
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