荔枝的英语单词Litchi chinensis
荔枝的英语例句1. It was the best time for litchi honey though.
2. Litchi is perhaps the most delicious fruit in the world.
3. Conopomorpha sinensis Bradley is a main pest insect on litchi and longan.
4. You have not eaten the lichee I bought for you yet. Want some?
我买给你吃的荔枝,你还没有吃呢, 要吃 么 ?
5. To cure halitosis, add litchi to congee and simmer.
要治口臭症, 荔枝与粥炖.
6. The extreme low temperature leaded to freeze injury or death of Lichi.
7. Tie - in what fruit hits litchi is juice good? Where is mango?
荔枝搭配什么水果打汁好? 芒果 呢 ?
8. But we do not come in the litchi ripening season.
9. During the summer fruIt'season, you can hand - pick leeches off trees.
在夏季水果成熟季节, 您可以亲手摘荔枝.
10. Oh, and some lychees or honeydew melon to finish with.
哦, 最后还要买些荔枝和蜜瓜.
11. Like ackee, cassava is a dietary staple in the tropics.
就像西非荔枝果, 木薯是热带重要食物.
12. You, Like a ripe litchi, have branches full of borne rich fruits.
你像一株成熟的荔枝树, 挂满硕果累累.
13. The determination of anthocyanin and its degradation index ( DI ) in lychee are studied.
本文研究了荔枝果皮总花色 苷 及其降解指数的含量测定.
14. There are a small brown nuclear, it is the seeds of Litchi.
里面有一颗棕色的小小核, 那是荔枝的种子.
15. The soft white pulpy flesh of ripe custard apple is intensely sweet.
关于荔枝的英语作文Recently, a piece of news reported that a girl and her boyfriend made a plan to kill her parents. Luckily, her father was alive for the wrong shot. When the policemen spend two years to make the truth come out, the family was shocked, because the reason was that the parents loved their daughter too much. The fact was that it was love made this tragedy happen. The parents had high expectation on their daughter. Since she was very small, she was sent to learn many skills. Everytime when taking the exams, the girl felt great pressure. She even lied to her parents, just not to let her parents down. The reason of love is many parents’ excuse to make every decision for their kids and ignore their feelings. If the kids resist, then the parents will say it is because of love. Love has become a great burden for many young people. Parents need to consider the kids’ feelings.
关于荔枝的英语范文The shell litchi special amazed, its shell is like a man was frightened, was the place on a "goose bumps," and the expansion of the red face.Litchi pulp is white, quite good to eat. You touch the pulp, ShuiLinLin, as if running a marathon athlete, to bite on one, TianSiSi, the savory, really with food? The pulp is translucent, you through it can still to see the inside of the hidden hazy about stone!Litchi nuclear small, thin, you see it, they seem to see a poor mother of a grandpa, also as if a grain of small bullets.Litchi it there is a little story, once upon a time, in four beauties there is a beauty Yang especially like to eat lychee, the emperor to get some beautiful ?
关于荔枝的英语写作范文Lychees are sometimes found on the the dessert menu of Chinese restaurants, but are becoming increasingly available at most supermarkets. Once stripped of their nobbly reddish brown shells, lychees look like large white grapes, each with a single large, glossy seed within its pale flesh. They have a sweet, flowery fragrance and flavour. Lychees are rich in vitamin C.
Select heavy, uncracked fruits with the stems still attached; the redder the shells, the fresher the lychees.
Unpeeled, the fruit can be stored for up to three weeks in the refrigerator.
Serve whole lychees one at a time (they need to be peeled), or peel several and sprinkle with a little lime or lemon juice to heighten the flavour. They can also be cut up and combined with berries or other soft fruit. They can also be poached.
关于荔枝的英语作文带翻译The shell litchi special amazed, its shell is like a man was frightened, was the place on a "goose bumps," and the expansion of the red face. Litchi pulp is white, quite good to eat. You touch the pulp, ShuiLinLin, as if running a marathon athlete, to bite on one, TianSiSi, the savory, really with food? The pulp is translucent, you through it can still to see the inside of the hidden hazy about stone! Litchi nuclear small, thin, you see it, they seem to see a poor mother of a grandpa, also as if a grain of small bullets. Litchi it there is a little story, once upon a time, in four beauties there is a beauty Yang especially like to eat lychee, the emperor to get some beautiful ?
荔枝的外壳特别的希奇,它的壳就像一个人受惊了,身上吓得到处起“鸡皮疙瘩”,而且脸胀的红彤彤的。 荔枝的果肉挺洁白,挺好吃的。你摸摸它的果肉,水淋淋的,仿佛跑过马拉松的运动员,再咬上一口,甜丝丝,香喷喷的,可真有口福呢。它的果肉是半透明的,你透过它还可以以隐朦胧约看到里面的果核呢! 荔枝的核小小的,瘦瘦的,你看到它,就仿佛看到了一个穷得要命的老爷爷,也仿佛是一粒小子弹。 荔枝它还有一个小故事呢,从前,四大美人中有一个美人儿杨贵妃特别喜欢吃荔枝,皇帝为了讨美人儿喜欢就叫人们运荔枝,人们快马加鞭,为了送荔枝在运输的途中不知死了多少匹马呢! 在宋代,诗人苏轼写过一首诗,说:日啖荔枝三百颗,不辞长作岭南人。意思是:我愿意去做岭南人,那样样的话,我每天就可以吃很多的荔枝了。 我也很喜欢吃荔枝,但也不能多吃!
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