
英语口语 2022-10-15 专注教育 晴天




  网 络pussy cat;kitty;The pussycat dolls;pussy


  1. Why can't they leave my pussy alone? 为什么他们就不能离我小猫咪远一点?

  2. Humph! That makes me so upset! The kitten is so mean! 狐狸:哼! 真气死我啦! 小猫咪真是个坏东西!

  3. Dudu bear and Maomao cat are playing with some kittens together. 嘟嘟熊和毛毛球和小猫咪在一起玩.

  4. Anderson was in a snit when she lost her kitten. 当安德森的小猫咪不见了的时候,她显得十分不安.

  5. She took the little stray kitten to her heart immediately. 她很快就喜欢上了那只迷途的小猫咪.

  6. A three - year - old went with his dad to see a litter of kittens. 一个三 岁 的小孩跟着爸爸去看一窝刚刚出生的小猫咪.

  7. I have mixed feelings whenever I see these kittens. 每次看到小猫咪,心里都会有喜忧参半的感觉.

  8. Not here, whiskers. Daddy will discuss it later. 现在还不行, 小猫咪, 待会爸爸会和我们讨论这件事的.

  9. Third picture: The kitten and her older brother. 第三张: 小猫咪和它的大哥.

  10. Little kitten would like a prom date. 小猫咪想参加舞会.

  11. Raindrops on roses. And whiskers on kittens. 玫瑰花上的雨珠,小猫咪的胡须.

  12. He treated the kitten cruelly. 他残忍地对待那小猫咪.

  13. She nursed her kitten all evening. 整个晚上她一直抱着她的小猫咪.

  14. It was tragic when my kitten was run over by the big truck. 我的小猫咪被大卡车轧死了,真是太惨了.

  15. Windsor Castle has been the victim of cat burglar every day for the past fouryears. 过去四年来,一只小猫咪每天都会溜进温莎堡去蹭饭.

  16. After I'd mourned for several months, he encouraged me to adopt a kitten. 在我悲伤数月之后, 他怂恿我领养了一只小猫咪.

  17. It is a lovely fat snow leopard, not an owl, or a small cat! 它是一只可爱的胖胖的雪豹, 不是猫头鹰, 或者小猫咪!

  18. The kitten wormed its way through the just-open door. 小猫缩着身子从刚开了一点儿的门中挤过来。

  19. The kitten was curled on a cushion on the sofa. 那只小猫在沙发垫子上蜷缩成了一团。

  20. I've got a wee kitten in the flat. 我在公寓里养了一只小猫。


  Research from the University of Edinburgh and the Bronx Zoo suggests that cats have personalities similar to those of African lions. Some suggest this means your cat wants to be rid of you.


  I fear that cat research has been heading in a disturbing direction for some time. Last year, a wise anthrozoologist declared that your feline thinks you're just one big, stupid cat. Earlier this year, researchers in the UK said cats really don't need their owners at all. And now this.

  近些年来,关于猫的研究结果都很令人担忧。去年,一个“机智的”人类学家声称,猫咪认为主人只是一只又大又蠢的猫而已。再早些年,英国的一些研?a href="//www.xuexila.com/yangsheng/kesou/" target="_blank">咳嗽北硎荆ㄟ涓静恍枰魅恕O衷冢颐怯钟辛艘韵率笛椤?/p>

  Some have interpreted a study from the Bronx Zoo and the University of Edinburgh in Scotland as saying that your cat might be trying to bump you off. Yes, kill you, eat you, that sort of thing. The study is entitled "Personality Structure in the Domestic Cat, Scottish Wildcat, Clouded Leopard, Snow Leopard, and African Lion". Truly, I love these academic titles.


  The researchers set out to discover whether there were any consistent similarities in personality between these disparate types of felines. What they found was that each had three dominant personality types. The Scottish wildcat, for example, had at its core dominance, agreeableness and self-control. Which is not dissimilar to many of my Scottish friends. As for domestic cats: Dominance, impulsiveness and neuroticism. I can see how living with humans makes you neurotic. I have experienced this. However, what the researchers further discovered was that these three were the same personality traits prevalent in African lions. And we all know that these lions, especially when they feel threatened, tend not to disappear into their manes


  The researchers studied the animals' behaviors along a popular test of the "Big Five" human personality aspects: Openness to Experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion/Introversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism. When it comes to domestic cats, the research report said of their neuroticism that it had " the highest loadings on anxious, insecure, and tense, suspicious, and fearful of people."


  What are we doing to these animals? Or have they always been this way? The mere thought that cats are fearful of us and might, therefore, want to take us out is chilling. But still less chilling, perhaps, than knowing and seeing what humans do to each other.


  Marieke Gartner, one of the researchers involved in the study, told me that it was "a pretty far stretch" to suggest that your cat actually wants to kill you. She said: "Cats have different personalities, and they ended up living with us because it was a mutually beneficial situation. Some cats are more independent, some are quite loving. It just depends on the individual. It's not that cats are self centered. It's that they are a more solitary or semisolitary species." Yes, but are they secretly harboring ill-feeling toward us? Gartner explained: "Cats don't want to bump you off, but people often don't know how to treat them and then are surprised by their behavior."


  A hundred cats from Scottish shelters were examined. The researchers observed the wilder animals in various zoos and wildlife parks across the UK and the US. Even though the scientists concede that their work is by its very nature imperfect and more research is required, they concluded: "Across the five felid species we assessed, personality structure was strikingly similar."


  Yes, you've got a little lioness in your house. She's not your friend.


  Please remember, therefore, the three main personality traits of your cat: Dominance, Impulsiveness and Neuroticism. And tread very carefully.






4.3-7岁民间传说 福气猫


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