1. So ended a successful and skilful campaign of thirty - eight days.
这次成功的和巧妙的持续 三十八 天的战役就此结束.
2. The deepest penetration up to date is a distance of thirty - eight miles as the crow flies.
3. Crass was about thirty - eight years of age, rather above middle height and rather stout.
克拉斯大约三十八岁, 中等身材,身体很结实.
4. My sister was born in nineteen thirty - eight.
5. The lawyers ultimately concluded that thirty - eight Sioux braves were guilty.
6. The nurse took my temperature; it was 38℃ ( thirty - eight degrees Centigrade ) .
护士给我量了体温, 是 三十八 度.
7. One who was there had an invalid for thirty - eight years.
8. Yes, it's sweltering. The temperature has climbed to thirty - eight degrees centigrade.
是的, 真是酷热难耐. 气温已经升到了 三十八 摄氏度.
9. The temperature can rise up to thirty - eight degrees Celsius in summer.
10. I'd like size thirty - eight.
11. Thirty - eight thousand five hundred!
12. Yes, thirty - eight point seven degrees centigrade.
是的, 摄氏38.7度.
13. Block 1 has a total of thirty - eight levels. The thirty - seventh and thirty - eighth are penthouses.
第一座共 三十八 层, 而三十七楼和 三十八 楼是复式单位.
14. At least thirty - eight states have passed laws or amendments to bar recognition of gay marriages.
而至少有 三十八 个州已经通过了禁止承认同性婚姻的法律或修正案.
15. I've been running a high temperature since yesterday. It is 38.5 today . ( thirty - eight point five ).
我从昨天起体温就高. 今天38.5.
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